The Flatsome WordPress theme is undoubtedly a great classic of the WooCommerce compatible theme. Sold in no less than 241,000 copies for several years, this theme has an integrated builder. It allows you to take the customization of the web design of a WordPress website very far. And so at the same time, this includes that it is possible to very easily customize the design of your online store.
So let’s discover YesWeBlog’s review of the popular Flatsome WordPress Theme ! 🙂

The Flatsome Package
When sold, the Flatsome WordPress theme comes as a complete package. In this package, we will find, without much surprise, the basic WordPress theme. You will also find the child theme there. This will allow all of its modifications to be retained following each update proposed by its author. Always in the package, we will also find the files relating to the License to use the theme. There is also rich informative documentation for using and customizing the theme.
There are also other files that are no less useful. There are the Lato and Dancing Script font files if you want to use them. There are also icons and textures. No photo files as photos used in demos are not included.
Integrated builder
I’m not a fan of builders or page builders. However, it must be admitted that to obtain certain particular layouts and maintain them easily, this offers a serious boost. With no coding skill. The complexity of a builder often depends on its accessibility and ease of use. In this case, with Flatsome and its builder, everything remains relatively intuitive, even if it still takes a few minutes to understand how certain elements work.
Here, for example, is a major part of the page builder integrated into the Flatsome theme, for the Header part of the design:
It is easy to see that different areas in the header can be personalized with a drag and drop system to set up numerous elements such as social icons, various menus or even a search field. Once positioned, each element can be customized and configured on the classic native WordPress appearance customization system, on the left of the page.
If you want to put your Shopping Cart icon on the left rather than the right, just in 1 click, you can. The same if you want to put your logo in the center rather than on the side. We can position separation bars between a Newsletter subscription button and any social network icons… In short, although the tool may seem complex, it is ultimately practical and easy to use 🙂
WordPress Flatsome Theme Features and Highlights
The Flatsome WordPress theme benefits from an integrated builder which will be useful for particular layouts, mainly for the home page and the store and product pages of an e-shop. Of course, for any self-respecting landing page, it is often a page builder that must be used to obtain the expected user journey. However, one of the strengths of the theme is to allow a large part of the customization of the design to be done via the native WP tool which is both simple to use and intuitive. The builder of Flatsome is Elementor . A heavyweight in the world of WordPress builders.
Another strength of the theme : It is possible to import already built versions of design on your WP installation to then modify them and add your personal touch to your web design. Enough to find inspiration in short, without necessarily keeping everything from an already chewed version.
Finally, although the theme may seem complex because it has a large package when it is acquired, it is easy to set up, compared to other themes sometimes advertised as turnkey, which turn out to be real gas factories. .
Flatsome and the WooCommerce store
This is very important when you equip yourself with a WooCommerce compatible WP theme. It is important to know the customization possibilities offered for the pure store part.
In this case, this theme offers many options. Among these, you can for example choose:
- To position your store sidebar on the left or right rather than being forced to have it on the right as is often the case. We can opt not to have a sidebar.
- Have a list of products in a list, in a balanced grid or in a Pinterest-style grid.
- Whether or not to add an “add to cart” icon on product photos…
The same goes for the product page alone:
- You can choose the layout from among many proposals to highlight your product.
- Choose the width of the product image…
Blog and editorial part of Flatsome WordPress theme
If you are interested in this WordPress theme that is Flatsome for the editorial part of your website or blog, then we are here on something quite minimalist. In terms of SEO and article metadata, it’s basic.
You will not have by default:
- The number of views/reads of your articles
- The date the articles were updated
- Breadcrumb
If you absolutely want to display this type of information near the title of your articles, you will need to add PHP code to the child theme. Or use a WordPress plugin/extension.
As for the size of the main image of the article on the Flatsome blog, it is approximately 779 pixels wide. Which remains honorable if you want to push, for example, this main image to Pinterest or a social network while hoping that the image is of quality.
Flatsome Updates
Released in 2013, the theme may seem outdated and old. But, due to its very regular updates, it continues to remain among the safe values for WooCommerce compatible WordPress themes. It is also a Best Seller.
So yes, this theme is well maintained and commonly updated. Whether to resolve possible bugs, changes to WP & WooCommerce or even to suggest improvements.
The Price of Flatsome’s price
Currently, the price of Flatsome WordPress theme on Themeforest is : $59 (excluding taxes). This can actually represent a budget if you simply want to obtain a design for a fairly simple personal blog. However, the price is not really higher than most of the WordPress themes offered on the Themeforest platform where it can be found. Sixty euros has in fact become a more common price for many themes, whether at Themeforest or elsewhere (Creative Market or other independent stores, etc.).
So is Flatsome expensive compared to what it offers and allows? No. The theme allows you to easily set up an e-shop that holds up, with a builder that is not a gas factory. So this price is justified, especially if we compare to the Best sellers on Themeforest.
This is ultimately a completely standard price for this type of theme. Please note, however, that for people living in France, if you purchase the WP theme on ThemeForest, you will need to add taxes to the $59 cost of the theme depending on your place of residence. This can increase the price of the theme. However, the price of the theme in 2023 is still 59 dollars as at the time of publication of this article in 2018. Which seems like nothing, shows that the price of the product does not change while the product itself even evolves !
Focus on the price of Flatsome :
- 2018 : $59
- 2023 : $59
- 2024 : $59
This WooCommerce compatible WP theme keeps its promises without promising the moon. It remains accessible although it has a page builder because the latter remains light and rather easy to use. The customization possibilities allow, when a graphic charter is previously defined, to move away from relatively impersonal demonstration models and to obtain a result which largely holds up. So can Flatsome be up to the task of running a coherent and solid design for an online store? The answer is yes 🙂
Discover Flatsome on Themeforest (link is not an affiliated link) : Flastome WordPress theme
*Links that point to and lead to the popular Themeforest WordPress theme market are not affiliated.